Friday, July 26, 2013

am I superficial?

If you haven't guessed from this blog, I really like clothes. I love buying clothes and I love putting together outfits and I really love how nice being dressed up makes me feel. I don't dress for anyone, I dress for myself. I like feeling dressed up and knowing I look nice. I love looking at how other people dress, because although that's not my personal style and I would never, ever wear anything like that, I think its interesting to see how other people dress and I can appreciate good art, because that's what I believe fashion is. So why does that mean I'm superficial? How does that have anything to do with my intellectual level? I'm not superficial. Being superficial means you are only concerned with what is obvious, shallow, only care about looks, etc. Just because you like clothes, doesn't mean you're superficial. I don't judge people on their clothes or looks, and I can assure you that most of the girls you have deemed superficial because they dress well, they aren't like that. The only judgmental and superficial person here is you. Yes, I do notice what girls (and boys) wear, but never in a negative way, I just usually admire. You know what, I really wish I could just go up to strangers in the street and tell them how lovely I think they look and how much I love their outfit. I really wish I had the confidence to do that, because that's what I think when I look at people clothes, not anything mean or unkind or snotty. I don't judge people by their looks, because that's not something I care about in the least bit. The only looks I care about is my own, and okay, maybe nice looking boys. There's nothing shallow about joking with your friends about nice looking boys, because those aren't the boys you want to be in relationships with. You form relationships, both romantic and platonic, with people who you get along with. That applies to everyone. Nobody is as superficial or shallow as how you have labelled them. Just like how an interest in fashion has nothing to do with intellect, whatsoever. I want to be a doctor. I'm not stupid at all. I love studying, I really do. It's a bit sad maybe, but I feel like I'm in my element when I'm studying for exams. I love learning, I really do. But I also loves clothes and make-up. I like to shop, and spend obscene amounts of time getting ready. There's nothing wrong with that. I think the only people who are shallow, superficial and stupid are those who make these assumptions. Fashion is more than just to do with appearances. Fashion is art just as much are literature and paintings are. Fashion is creating something using your imagination  Maybe you need to stop jumping to conclusions about other people and appreciate.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

the race of races

When I first started on lookbook (and it hasn't been that long since) it came as a huge shock to me that not everybody on lookbook is popular, and not everyone gets lots of hypes. I was a beginner, of course I didn't know this. When I posted my first ever look, I didn't get any hypes. It was a bit of a blow to the pride, I have to admit. So I did what any other person in my position would've done; I googled it. I googled tips on success on lookbook. In return, instead of getting actually useful advice, all I came across was mean-spirited and bitter articles. A phrase they used was PYWT - Pretty Young White Thing - the only way to be popular on lookbook. They said next up was east Asian females, then maybe, if you're lucky, Indian and etc descent, then lastly, black women. The article talked about how a friend of hers, who was black, has received no hypes on lookbook and she thought it was ridiculous and lookbook was obviously unfair and etc etc etc. I'm sure you've heard it all before. After reading it, it really disheartened me as it had me convinced that being noticed on lookbook was not going to happen for me. Now that I've gotten a bit more used to lookbook and learnt the ropes, I have to say, I think its a load of bullshit. Yes, okay, on the hot page you will see mostly what the article referred to as PYWT. But that doesn't mean that popularity on lookbook depends on race or good looks. You can't just post your first few looks and expect the fans to flock in. You have to put yourself out there. You have to spend hours, online, commenting and hyping and actually showing an interest in someone other than yourself. Lookbook is a fashion community, and people on there will hype and comment on your clothes, not your race or your beauty. Beauty is a ridiculous thing all on its own. There is no standard definition of beauty, so it is utterly stupid to say only the good-looking succeed on lookbook, because everyone is good-looking to someone. There's no such thing as ugly, because what might be beautiful to you is ugly to someone else, and what is ugly to you maybe beautiful to someone else. So, in conclusion, what I'm trying to say is don't be put off fashion blogging or lookbook or YouTube or whatever it is you're interested in because you are of an ethnic minority, because these career/hobby choices are particularly popular in the UK and USA, white dominated places. It's not because people of your race can't succeed, maybe its just something that not many have tried or been interested in. Why don't we stop making everything about race. I can tell you, I'm sick of it. My race doesn't mean shit, all it is is the colour of my skin. That's all it is. Don't make it more. 

Monday, July 22, 2013


It's absolutely boiling right now in the UK. It was over 30 degrees on Friday, and the worst part is, nobody in the UK has air conditioning, so we're all dying right now. It doesn't help that my room is on the attic floor with low ceilings, so I feel like I'm on fire. I have to keep a mini van on my desk next to me to prevent melting. We're definitely not used to heat, of any kind. I prefer standard, shit english weather, if I'm honest. Well, at least it's nice for clothes! 


This dress has been in my closet for over a year now and this is only the second time I've worn it. I definitely don't appreciate my clothes enough, I just keep buying more then whining about how I don't have any. I bought this dress at Daisy Street at a reduced price of £17 (because there was a tiny rip at the top) for my birthday last year, a supposed mad hatter's tea party. I thought it's a really lovely tea type dress, as it's dressed up but still quite casual. Basically just the perfect daytime casual dress, which I definitely don't have enough of. The shoes are lovely but painful which I bought for my prom, and I thought they just add such a nice warm tone to the outfit, as brown suede does. 

Please do check out my lookbook and hype this look!

Monday, July 15, 2013

standing ground

This is one of those outfits I imagined in my head and it didn't turn out quite as well as I hoped. Oh well. I still quite like it. I think it may have a little something to do with my height. I'll tell you, being 5ft is quite inconvenient when it comes to clothes, as it's really difficult to find clothes that fit you well. Oh well. This is an outfit I haven't actually worn out yet, and I'm not sure if I will now. 



The jumper is from Debenhams, and it's an essential in my wardrobe. It just goes with everything as its so simple and lovely. I definitely prefer purchasing classic pieces of clothing as they won't go out of style, you won't grow to hate them and you'll just get a lot more wear out of them. The skirt is actually a dress, absolutely lovely with a white top attached. I've actually only worn it about twice, and I'm trying to wear it more. I have this infuriating habit of buying lots of clothes, only wearing them about nice, then thinking I have no clothes to wear. The shoes are the ever lovely but uncomfortable vintage flatforms, and the socks are from topshop. 

Hope you like this look, if you do, please do go to my lookbook and hype it, and if you want, you can like this post! 

Monday, July 8, 2013


It's finally getting a little warm here! All this does is confirm my thoughts that I hate hot weather. God, I hate it! I hate feeling sweaty and icky. However, if there's one good thing about it, its that there are less restrictions in clothes. 



The shirt is something I picked up recently, from a local store that stocks clothing from I had originally gone to pick up a different shirt, but I just fell in love with this one when I saw it! The collar was so cute, and this simple little collared shirt looked so elegant through the embroidery on it (which may not be visible in these photos) This shirt is a definite new favourite. It just goes with everything. The red velvet skirt is a little harder to style, as I'm a small person and sizing doesn't usually work to my favour. This skirt is a 8 but its quite long on me and the waist is far too big. So I have to hitch it up, a lot. Thankfully with this shirt it worked. The skirt was also from The socks are from topshop, and I love them because again I can just work them into every outfit, and the little frills just add such a nice girly touch. The kind-of flatforms are a vintage find, and I thought they were so pretty, however, they are very painful to walk in. I really need a nice comfy pair of flatforms! 

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

boats beat on

It may be July now, but in England you just have to pretend its summer. (I’m not going to lie, I prefer this. Just been back from Greece and my hatred for heat has been confirmed) So it’s definitely not been warm enough to wear this outfit without tights. When I actually wore this, I wore see-through tights and a leather jacket with it.


The top is a really lovely floral corset with quite a dipping back that I always feel very reluctant to wear outside. Such a lonely fate for such a lovely top! The skirt is an old favorite and a great purchase, its a lovely suede-type skirt that goes with absolutely everything. (Little secret: actually shorts!) I’ve paired this with lace up boots because honestly, I hate sandals and I basically have no summer footwear, so boots it is. I’m definitely more of a winter person, and I prefer winter dressing any day. The lipstick I’m wearing in this look is amazing, infrared by topshop! The colours in the topshop range of lipsticks are incredible, I’d definitely recommend checking them out.

Monday, July 1, 2013

boats beat on

It may be July now, but in England you just have to pretend its summer. (I'm not going to lie, I prefer this. Just been back from Greece and my hatred for heat has been confirmed) So it's definitely not been warm enough to wear this outfit without tights. When I actually wore this, I wore see-through tights and a leather jacket with it.



The top is a really lovely floral corset with quite a dipping back that I always feel very reluctant to wear outside. Such a lonely fate for such a lovely top! The skirt is an old favorite and a  great purchase, its a lovely suede-type skirt that goes with absolutely everything. (Little secret: actually shorts!) I've paired this with lace up boots because honestly, I hate sandals and I basically have no summer footwear, so boots it is. I'm definitely more of a winter person, and I prefer winter dressing any day. The lipstick I'm wearing in this look is amazing, infrared by topshop! The  colours in the topshop range of lipsticks are incredible, I'd definitely recommend checking them out.